Four out of five Dutch people experience back issues at some point. Back pain comes in many forms and can have various causes. It often results from an incorrect posture, wrong movements, or a lack of movement throughout the day. There are various ways to combat back pain, and acupuncture is one of the most effective methods.
What Can Acupuncture Do for Lower Back Pain?
One of the most common forms of back pain is lower back pain. The most well-known types include severe forms such as sciatica, hernia, and lumbago. However, most back issues do not have a specific name and fall under the category of non-specific lower back complaints. The pain in the lower back can persist for a long time or even become chronic. In addition, the pain can also radiate to the legs and buttocks. Therefore, it's important to seek help in a timely manner when suffering from lower back pain. Lower back pain often causes additional problems, such as concentration issues and sleep disturbances. Acupuncture can help in several ways with various forms of lower back pain.
What Else Can I Do for Lower Back Pain?
Acupuncture is very effective in relieving back pain and relaxing muscles, but the cause of the lower back pain should always be addressed to prevent recurrence. The acupuncturist will always examine the cause of your pain with you, so the treatment and any additional aids can be tailored to it. Besides treating the symptoms, acupuncture also rebalances the energy channels. This results in an overall improvement of the immune system and also eliminates any additional issues like sleep disturbances. Read more about acupuncture and pain relief here.
Need more information or want to make an appointment?
Book an appointment online at one of our locations, or call 085 - 0655499. If you have questions about acupuncture or how acupuncture can help you, you can also contact us via email.
Intake A session in which we discuss your complaints and propose a treatment plan
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Intake A session in which we discuss your complaints and propose a treatment plan
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Intake A session in which we discuss your complaints and propose a treatment plan
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Intake A session in which we discuss your complaints and propose a treatment plan
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Acupuncture for Lower Back Pain in Various Locations in the Randstad
We offer acupuncture for lower back pain in all our locations. Make an appointment online for an acupuncture treatment at one of our locations in Breukelen, Hoofddorp, Nieuw-Vennep, Rijswijk / Delft, Voorburg or Wassenaar.