Whether it's asthma, hyperventilation, bronchitis, emphysema, or a combination of these - respiratory problems are always bothersome and complicated. Respiratory problems can literally feel suffocating, so it's not recommended to let them persist for too long. In our acupuncture clinics, we treat all sorts of respiratory complaints. Read on quickly to see what acupuncture can do for respiratory problems.
What are respiratory problems?
Respiratory problems are a collective term for various issues with the airways. The airways are in direct contact with the outside world and are therefore extra sensitive to absorbing harmful substances that can cause inflammation and ultimately respiratory problems. A disturbed breathing pattern influences our immune system, making us sick faster. With respiratory problems, the air cannot flow properly through the airways and lungs due to inflammation somewhere in the airways or lungs. These can arise from dust, pollen, certain foods, or harmful substances in the air. Read more here about acupuncture for hay fever.
When does acupuncture help with respiratory problems?
Respiratory problems where acupuncture is applied range from hyperventilation to shortness of breath and from asthma to chronic bronchitis. These conditions affect the immune system and acupuncture helps the body to restore it. The application of acupuncture brings peace and relaxation to the chest and ensures that the breathing pattern becomes normal again in case of rhythm problems. In addition, mucus production decreases with acupuncture treatment. You will soon notice that the complaints decrease and that you can breathe freely and relaxed again. It is known that breathing difficulties often coincide with skin problems like eczema, which can be treated simultaneously by one of our specialists.
Need more information or want to make an appointment?
Book an appointment online at one of our locations, or call 085 - 0655499. If you have questions about acupuncture or how acupuncture can help you, you can also contact us via email.
Intake A session in which we discuss your complaints and propose a treatment plan
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Intake A session in which we discuss your complaints and propose a treatment plan
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Intake A session in which we discuss your complaints and propose a treatment plan
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Acupuncture for Respiratory Problems at Various Locations in the Randstad
We apply acupuncture for respiratory problems in all our branches. Make an appointment online for an acupuncture treatment at one of our locations in Breukelen, Hoofddorp, Nieuw-Vennep, Rijswijk / Delft, Voorburg or Wassenaar.