Dr. Tan’s Balance Method Acupuncture
What is Dr. Tan’s Balance Method Acupuncture?
In our acupuncture practices in Amsterdam, Hoofddorp, Breukelen, and Voorburg, Dr. Tan's Balance Method Acupuncture is utilized. This globally applied balance method is based on traditional Chinese medicine. Dr. Tan himself said that he had converted traditional acupuncture from analog to digital.
Distant Acupuncture Points (distal acupuncture)
The ailing meridians are treated with balancing meridians at a distance, also known as distal acupuncture. This means that the acupuncture points are not located on the pain area itself. For example, back pain is treated on the hand and neck pain on the ankle.
For which complaints is the balance method used?
Dr. Tan's Balance Method Acupuncture is highly effective in treating pain complaints such as neck pain, back pain, headache and migraine, as well as overall disturbances of body and mind. This form of acupuncture is applied to insomnia, fatigue, stress, and menopausal symptoms. Read more about acupuncture for menopausal symptoms here.
Immediate pain relief thanks to Dr. Tan’s acupuncture method
Dr. Tan's Balance Method Acupuncture is highly effective in treating all pain complaints. After pricking the right acupuncture points, you experience immediate pain relief. So you can see whether it works right away. For lasting results, the treatment will have to be repeated several times.
How does this acupuncture treatment work?
Intake interview for acupuncture treatment
The first acupuncture treatment consists of an intake interview followed by the treatment itself. For pain complaints, we first ask you to indicate precisely where the pain is, whether it radiates, and what the intensity of the pain is on a scale of 0 to 10. During the treatment, we frequently ask you where the pain is and what intensity you feel. In this way, we can determine our acupuncture points. Your input is essential to evaluate the treatment.
Investigation of the complaints
Furthermore, the acupuncturist will ask questions regarding your complaint(s), overall condition, medical history, and possible medication use. Your tongue may be examined, and your pulse felt. This provides information about the energy and the quality of the energy channels (meridians) in your body. In the case of pain, further examination of the pain area and possible functional tests of certain joints will be performed. The combination of looking, listening, asking, and feeling will lead to the final diagnosis and the treatment plan.
The acupuncture treatment itself
The acupuncture needles are pricked into balancing meridians at a distance, not in the pain area itself. After stimulating certain acupuncture points, you lie down for 20-30 minutes to allow the treatment to take effect. Finally, the treatment is evaluated, the expected outcomes of the treatment are discussed, and a treatment plan is created.